
Congratulations to Dan Luo and Joanne Chen who are the 2022 winners of our annual prize for the best paper in finance theory on the job market.

First Prize: Dan Luo, graduating from Stanford GSB, for the paper "Raising Capital from Investor Syndicates with Strategic Communication

Runner-up: Joanne Juan Chen, graduating from LSE, for the paper "Optimal Managerial Authority"

Award committee: Peter Kondor, Giorgia Piacentino (co-chairs), Marcus Opp, Pierre-Olivier Weill.

Dan will spend the 2022-2023 academic year as a post-doctoral researcher at the Becker Friedman Institute at Chicago Booth and will join Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2023. Joanne will join Boston University in the fall of 2022. They have both been invited to join the FTG and have accepted. We look forward to seeing them at future FTG meetings.