Dec 20 - Dec 21, 2024
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong is hosting the 1st Asian Finance Theory Group (FTG) meeting on December 20-21, 2024. The conference will start on the morning of December 20th and end on the afternoon of December 21st. We will have:
1. Seminar-style presentations with ample time for discussion
2. Shorter presentations for early-stage ideas
3. A keynote speech by Zhiguo He
4. (Tentative) A hiking expedition or a visit to the Tsz Shan Monastery near campus
The conference dinner will be in a local restaurant on the evening of December 20th.
We welcome the participation of all interested researchers doing work in finance theory (in particular, junior researchers). We want to emphasize that we welcome registration and submissions by non-FTG members (though FTG members are given priority in case of capacity constraints).
The deadline for submissions and applications is August 15th. Anyone wishing to present in seminar style should submit a complete draft, but for early-stage ideas, an extended abstract is preferred. We will finalize the conference program by early September.
Looking forward to seeing you all in Hong Kong!
*if you are on the waitlist and cannot submit the paper through the FTG website, please send your paper to
John Kuong, Jangwoo Lee, Dan Luo, and Yizhou Xiao