Jul 03 - Jul 04, 2019
Madrid, Spain, CEMFI's Campus in Madrid.
After three successful summer meetings in the UK, we will be moving this year's summer conference to Madrid. William Fuchs and Rafael Repullo are jointly organizing the event with support from UC3M and CEMFI. The conference will take place at CEMFI's headquarters in downtown Madrid on July 3rd and 4th. This conference is open to non-FTG members so please spread the word.
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
9:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-11:30 Session 1 Chair: Rafael Repullo, CEMFI
Thomas Geelen, Copenhagen Business School
Jakub Hajda, HEC Lausanne
Erwan Morellec, EPF Lausanne
Financing Breakthroughs under Failure Risk
Simon Mayer, Erasmus University Rotterdam
11:30-12:00 Coffee
12:00-13:30 Session 2 Chair: Diego Garcia, University of Colorado Boulder
Choosing to Disagree in Financial Markets
Shehal Banerjee, University of California, San Diego
Jesse Davis, University of North Carolina
Naveen Gondhi, INSEAD
Endogenous Specialization and Dealer Networks
Batchimeg Sambalaibat, Indiana University
13:30-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 Session 3 Chair: Sheridan Titman, University of Texas Austin
Natalya Martynova, Deutsche Bundesbank
Enrico Perotti, University of Amsterdam
Javier Suarez, CEMFI
Equity Allocation and Risk-taking in the Intermediation Chain
Anatoli Segura, Bank of Italy
Alonso Villacorta, University of California, Santa Cruz
16:30-17:00 Coffee
17:00-18:30 Session 4 Chair: Andres Almazan, University of Texas at Austin
Dynamic Coordination with Flexible Security Design
Emre Ozdenoren, London Business School
Kathy Yuan, London School of Economics
Shengxing Zhang, London School of Economics
Dynamic Runs and Optimal Termination
Hongda Zhong, London School of Economics
Zhen Zhou, Tsinghua University
Thursday, 4 July 2019
9:00-10:30 Session 5 Chair: Javier Suarez, CEMFI
Self-enforcing Contracts with Persistence
Martin Dumav, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
William Fuchs, University of Texas at Austin and UC3M
Jangwoo Lee, University of Texas at Austin
Dynamic Contracting under Soft Information
Guillaume Roger, University of Wollongong
10:30-11:00 Coffee
11:00-12:30 Session 6 Chair: Victoria Vanasco, CREI
Dealer Funding and Market Liquidity
Max Bruche, Humboldt University of Berlin
John Kuong, INSEAD
A Theory of Liquidity in Private Equity
Vincent Maurin, Stockholm School of Economics
David Robinson, Duke University
Per Strömberg, Stockholm School of Economics
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Session 7 Chair: Vladimir Asriyan, CREI
Florian Hoffmann, Erasmus School of Economics
Roman Inderst, University of Frankfurt
Marcus Opp, Stockholm School of Economics
A Dynamic Theory of Learning and Relationship Lending
Yunzhi Hu, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Felipe Varas, Duke University
15:00-15:30 Coffee
15:30-17:00 Session 8 Chair: William Fuchs, University of Texas at Austin and UC3M
Funding Constraints and Informational Efficiency
Sergei Glebkin, INSEAD
Naveen Gondhi, INSEAD
John Kuong, INSEAD
Information Acquisition and Liquidity Traps in Over-the-Counter Markets
Junyuan Zou, University of Pennsylvania
Scientific Committee
Andres Almazan, University of Texas at Austin
William Fuchs, University of Texas at Austin and UC3M
Christine Parlour, University of California, Berkeley
Rafael Repullo, CEMFI
Javier Suarez, CEMFI
Victoria Vanasco, CREI
A block of rooms are on hold at the TRYP Atocha Hotel in downtown Madrid. The cost is 98.95 euros for a single occupancy room + breakfast inclusive of taxes. To get your room you need to contact Paqui at the Corte Ingles travel agency in UC3M. Her email is unicarlosiii@viajeseci.es and her telephone numbers are (+34) 916 963 314 and (+34) 916 245 791. Use FTG Summer Conference (and William Fuchs if that fails) as a reference. FYI Gay Pride is that week (a very busy time in Madrid) so we strongly suggest you book early.
Looking forward to seeing you in Madrid!!
William Fuchs and Rafael Repullo