Sep 27 - Sep 28, 2019
University of Rochester, Simon Business School
The FTG Fall 2019 10th year anniversary meeting will be held at the University of Rochester
Simon Business School, on September 27-28, 2019 beginning at 3:00pm on September 27 and
concluding at 4:00pm on September 28.
The structure of the meeting is different than a typical FTG meeting. Paper presentations will be
on Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28. In celebration of FTG 10 year
anniversary we will have a special catered dinner on Friday and a panel discussion on the “past,
present, and future of finance theory” on Saturday. The panel will feature Franklin Allen, Philip
Bond, Christine Parlour, Jeremy Stein, and S. Viswanathan.
Please visit the conference website for lodging options and additional details:
All the best,
Michael Gofman, Ron Kaniel, Alan Moreira, Dmitry Orlov, Giulio Trigilia, Pavel Zryumov
3:40-4:40 Recommendations with Feedback, Ganesh Iyer and Gustavo Manso
4:40-5:00 Break
5:00-6:00 Credit Cycles with Market-Based Household Leverage, William Diamond and Tim Landvoigt
6:00-6:30 Transport to dinner venue
6:30-9:30 Dinner reception + dinner
8:00 Pickup at Strathallan (bus leaves at this time)
8:20-9:00 Breakfast Atrium
9:00-10:00 A Dynamic Theory of Learning and Relationship Lending, Yunzhi Hu and Felipe Varas
10:15-11:45 Panel Discussion
12:00-13:40 Lunch and member meeting (account for walking back)
13:40-14:40 Rational Sentiments and Economic Cycles, Maryam Farboodi and Peter Kondor
14:40-15:00 Break
15:00-16:00 Bank Competition, Bank Runs and Opacity, Toni Ahnert and David Martinez-Miera