Summer Conference 2024

Jun 05 - Jun 06, 2024

CREI and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​CREI and Universitat Pompeu Fabra are hosting the Finance Theory Group (FTG) summer meeting on June 5-6, 2024. The conference will start in the morning of June 5 and end in the afternoon of June 6th. Each day, we will have:

1.     Seminar-style presentations with ample time for discussion

2.     Shorter presentations for early-stage ideas

3.     Time and space for co-authoring

The conference dinner will be in groups and in local restaurants on the evening of June 5th.


We plan for 30 min presentations and 5 min of Q&A per paper.

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024 [Merce Rodoreda building, UPF Campus Ciutadella].

Session 1: Data, Security and Privacy

9:30 am    Data Redundancies and Cyber Attacks by Linda Schilling and Rodney Garrat     

10:00 am  Payments and Privacy in the Digital Economy by Toni Anhert, Peter Hoffman and Cyril Monnet

10:40am - 11am Coffee Break


Session 2: Asset Pricing

11:00 am  Asset Pricing and Re-sale in Networks by Gabriela Stockler

11:30 pm Asset Pricing with Dynamic and Static Investors by Ruggero Jappellini

12:10 pm - 1.30 pm Lunch


1.30 pm – 2.30 pm. Session 3: Green Investing

1.30 pm   Investor Activism and the Green Transition by Sebastian Gryglewicz, Simon Mayer and Erwan Morellec

2.00 pm    ESG Mutual Fund Competition by Ariadna Dumitrescu and Javier Gil-Bazo

2:40pm-3:00pm Coffee Break


3:00pm – 4:00pm Session 4 Market for Lemons

3:00 pm Time Trumps Quantity in the Market for Lemons by Willie Fuchs, Piero Gottardi, and Humberto Moreira

3:30 pm The market for lemons under regularities by Angel Hernando Veciana

4:10 pm - 4:30 pm Coffee Break


4:30pm – 5:30pm. Session 5 Liquidity

4:30pm  Market Opacity and Fragility: Why Liquidity Evaporates When It is Most Needed by  Giovanni Cespa and Xavier Vives

5.00pm  Limited Commitment, Bank Bailouts, and Endogenous Run Risk: A Sunspot-based Approach by Yuliyan Mitkov

5.40 pm Adjourn

6pm Drinks at the Beach followed by group dinners


Thursday, June 6th, 2024 [Merce Rodoreda, UPF Campus Ciutadella].

Session 1: Firm Decision Making

9:30 am Supply Chain Frictions, by Ying-Ju Chen, Zhengqing Gui, Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden, and Xiaojian Zhao

10:00 am Encouraging Employee Engagement: The Role of Equity Pay, by Alvin Chen

10:30 am Short-Term Debt Overhang, by Kostas Koufopoulos, Giulio Trigilia, and Pavel Zryumov

11.00 am - 11:30 am Coffee Break


Session 2. Financial Markets

11:30 am. Informational Efficiency and Asset Prices in Large Markets by Georgy Chabakauri

12:00 pm. Money as Safe Assets: Design of CBDCs by Emre Ozdenoren, Kathy Yuan, Shengxing Zhang

12:30 pm. Policy Portfolio for Banks: Deposit Insurance and Ex-post Liquidity Injection by Lin Shen

​​​​​​​1:00 pm Adjourn


Program Committee: Vladimir Asriyan (ICREA, CREI, UPF, BSE, and FTG), William Fuchs (UT Austin McCombs School of Business, Carlos III, and FTG), and Victoria Vanasco (CREI, UPF, BSE and FTG)


The workshop is funded by CREI through the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (948432 - INFOMAK). 

Meals are provided by CREI through the European Research Council (ERC), under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (948432 - INFOMAK).