Oct 06 - Oct 07, 2017
University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
Friday, October 6, 2017 − Carlson School of Management, 1-108 Hanson Hall | |
2:00pm − 5:00pm | Mini-Course: “Dynamic Models of Sovereign Debt” by Manuel Amador |
5:00pm − 6:00pm | Cocktail reception (CSOM Atrium) |
6:30pm | Dinner in small groups |
Saturday, October 7, 2017 − Carlson School of Management, 1-108 Hanson Hall | |
8:00am | Shuttle pickup from conference hotel |
8:15am − 9:00am | Continental breakfast (CSOM Atrium) |
9:00am − 10:00am | Liquidity and Risk Management: Coordinating Investment and Compensation Policies by Patrick Bolton, Neng Wang, and Jinquiang Yang |
10:00am − 11:00am | Credit Rating Inflation and Firms’ Investments by Itay Goldstein and Chong Huang |
11:00am − 11:30am | Coffee break |
11:30am − 12:30pm | Only Time Will Tell: A Theory of Deferred Compensation and its Regulation by Florian Hoffmann, Roman Inderst, and Marcus Opp |
12:30pm − 2:00pm | Lunch and FTG members meeting (CSOM Atrium) |
2:00pm − 3:00pm | Sentiment, Liquidity and Asset Prices by Vladimir Asriyan, William Fuchs, and Brett Green |
3:00pm − 3:30pm | Coffee break |
3:30pm − 4:30pm | The Insurance is the Lemon: Failing to Index Contracts by Barney Hartman-Glaser and Benjamin Hébert |
4:30pm | Adjourn |