Oct 21 - Oct 22, 2016
Princeton University, Princeton University, Bendheim Center for Finance, Princeton, NJ. Organizers: Maryam Farboodi (Princeton) and Valentin Haddad (UCLA)
Friday, October 21, 2016 | |
2:00pm − 5:00pm | Mini-Course: “Asymmetric Information and Finance” by Stephen Morris (Robertson Hall, Room 016) (Part 1, Part 2) |
5:00pm − 6:30pm | Reception (Robertson Hall, Bernstein Gallery) |
7:00pm | Dinner in small groups |
Saturday, October 22, 2016 − Robertson Hall, Room 016 | |
8:00am | Shuttle pick-up from DoubleTree |
8:15am − 9:00am | Breakfast (Robertson Hall, Bernstein Gallery) |
9:00am − 10:00am | Random Inspections and Periodic Reviews: Optimal Dynamic Monitoring by Iván Marinovic, Andrzej Skrzypacz, and Felipe Varas |
10:00am − 11:00am | Information Aggregation with Symmetry by Albert S. Kyle and Jeongmin Lee |
11:00am − 11:30am | Coffee break (Robertson Hall, Bernstein Gallery) |
11:30am − 12:30pm | A Model of Safe Asset Determination by Zhiguo He, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and Konstantin Milbradt |
12:30pm − 2:00pm | Lunch (Robertson Hall, Bernstein Gallery) |
2:00pm − 3:00pm | Collusion in Markets with Syndication by John William Hatfield, Scott Duke Kominers, and Richard Lowery |
3:00pm − 3:20pm | Coffee break (Robertson Hall, Bernstein Gallery) |
3:20pm − 4:20pm | Optimal Financing and Disclosure by Martin Szydlowski |
4:20pm | Adjourn |