



The Good, the Bad, and the Complex: Product Design with Imperfect Information

Dana Foarta, Vladimir Asriyan Victoria Vanasco   Nov 05,2019

Working Paper No.00053-00

We study the joint determination of product quality and complexity in a rational setting. We introduce a novel notion of... Read More

Published: AEJ-Micro, 2023, 15(2), 187-226

Optimal Contracting and the Organization of Knowledge

luis garicano,luis rayo, William Fuchs   Jul 30,2018

Working Paper No.00042-09

We study contractual arrangements that support an efficient use of time in a knowledge- intensive economy in which agents... Read More

The Market for Conflicted Advice

Briana Chang , Martin Szydlowski   Sep 21,2018

Working Paper No.00046-00

We present a model of the market for advice in which advisers have conflicts of interest and compete for... Read More

Commodity Financialization and Information Transmission

Itay Goldstein , Liyan Yang   Jul 06,2018

Working Paper No.00035-00

We study how commodity financialization affects information transmission and aggre- gation in a commodity futures market. The trading of... Read More

Screening and Adverse Selection in Frictional Markets

Benjamin Lester,Ali Shourideh,Venky Venkateswaran, Ariel Zetlin-Jones   Jul 06,2018

Working Paper No.00038-00

We incorporate a search-theoretic model of imperfect competition into an otherwise standard model of asymmetric information with unrestricted contracts.... Read More

What is the Optimal Trading Frequency in Financial Markets?

Songzi Du, Haoxiang Zhu   Jul 06,2018

Working Paper No.00039-00

This paper studies the impact of increasing trading frequency in financial markets on allocative efficiency. We build and solve... Read More

Size Discovery

Darrell Duffie , Haoxiang Zhu   Jul 06,2018

Working Paper No.00040-00

Size-discovery mechanisms allow large quantities of an asset to be exchanged at a price that does not respond to... Read More

Information Tradeoffs in Dynamic Financial Markets

Efstathios Avdis   Mar 15,2017

Working Paper No.00013-00

In dynamic financial markets the stochastic supply of risky assets has a significant informational role. Contrary to static models, where... Read More

Published: Journal of Financial Economics, 2016, 122(), 568-584

Regulating a model (JFE, forthcoming)

Bilge Yilmaz,Bilge Yilmaz, Yaron Leitner   Nov 21,2017

Working Paper No.00016-00

We study a situation in which a regulator relies on risk models that banks produce in order to regulate them.... Read More

Published: Journal of Financial Economics, 2019, 131(2), 251-268

Competition for Talent under Performance Manipulation

Ivan Marinovic , Paul Povel   Jul 08,2018

Working Paper No.00041-00

We study the effects of introducing competition for CEOs, assuming that the talent of CEOs is not observable and... Read More

Published: Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2017, 64(1), 1-14