



Information Technology and Lender Competition

Zhiqiang Ye, Xavier Vives   Nov 02,2023

Working Paper No.00129-00

We study how information technology (IT) affects lender competition, entrepreneurs’ investment, and welfare in a spatial model. The effects of... Read More

Information Technology and Lender Competition

Zhiqiang Ye, Xavier Vives   Nov 02,2023

Working Paper No.00129-00

We study how information technology (IT) affects lender competition, entrepreneurs’ investment, and welfare in a spatial model. The effects of... Read More

Information Technology and Lender Competition

Zhiqiang Ye, Xavier Vives   Nov 02,2023

Working Paper No.00129-00

We study how information technology (IT) affects lender competition, entrepreneurs’ investment, and welfare in a spatial model. The effects of... Read More

Banks vs. Firms: Who Benefits from Credit Guarantees?

Alberto Martin,Sergio Mayordomo, Victoria Vanasco   Nov 14,2023

Working Paper No.00108-01

Governments often support private credit through guarantee schemes, which compen-sate private lenders in the event of borrower default. A key... Read More

Banks vs. Firms: Who Benefits from Credit Guarantees?

Alberto Martin,Sergio Mayordomo, Victoria Vanasco   Nov 14,2023

Working Paper No.00108-01

Governments often support private credit through guarantee schemes, which compen-sate private lenders in the event of borrower default. A key... Read More

Banks vs. Firms: Who Benefits from Credit Guarantees?

Alberto Martin,Sergio Mayordomo, Victoria Vanasco   Nov 14,2023

Working Paper No.00108-01

Governments often support private credit through guarantee schemes, which compen-sate private lenders in the event of borrower default. A key... Read More

Market opacity and fragility: Why liquidity evaporates when it is most needed

Giovanni Cespa, Xavier Vives   Dec 04,2023

Working Paper No.00131-00

We show that, consistent with empirical evidence, access to order flow information allows traders to supply liquidity via contrarian marketable... Read More

Market opacity and fragility: Why liquidity evaporates when it is most needed

Giovanni Cespa, Xavier Vives   Dec 04,2023

Working Paper No.00131-00

We show that, consistent with empirical evidence, access to order flow information allows traders to supply liquidity via contrarian marketable... Read More

Market opacity and fragility: Why liquidity evaporates when it is most needed

Giovanni Cespa, Xavier Vives   Dec 04,2023

Working Paper No.00131-00

We show that, consistent with empirical evidence, access to order flow information allows traders to supply liquidity via contrarian marketable... Read More

Free entry in a Cournot market with overlapping ownership

Orestis Vravosinos, Xavier Vives   Dec 04,2023

Working Paper No.00130-01

We examine the effects of overlapping ownership among existing firms deciding whether to enter a product market. We show that... Read More