



Competition for Talent under Performance Manipulation

Ivan Marinovic , Paul Povel   Jul 08,2018

Working Paper No.00041-00

We study the effects of introducing competition for CEOs, assuming that the talent of CEOs is not observable and... Read More

Published: Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2017, 64(1), 1-14

Competition for Talent under Performance Manipulation

Ivan Marinovic , Paul Povel   Jul 08,2018

Working Paper No.00041-00

We study the effects of introducing competition for CEOs, assuming that the talent of CEOs is not observable and... Read More

Published: Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2017, 64(1), 1-14

Competition for Talent under Performance Manipulation

Ivan Marinovic , Paul Povel   Jul 08,2018

Working Paper No.00041-00

We study the effects of introducing competition for CEOs, assuming that the talent of CEOs is not observable and... Read More

Published: Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2017, 64(1), 1-14

Bank Resolution and the Structure of Global Banks

Patrick Bolton , Martin Oehmke   Dec 14,2016

Working Paper No.00007-00

A theory framework to assess how global, too-big-to-fail banks can be successfully resolved by national regulators. Read More

Competition for Talent under Performance Manipulation

Ivan Marinovic , Paul Povel   Jul 08,2018

Working Paper No.00041-00

We study the effects of introducing competition for CEOs, assuming that the talent of CEOs is not observable and... Read More

Published: Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2017, 64(1), 1-14

Competition for Talent under Performance Manipulation

Ivan Marinovic , Paul Povel   Jul 08,2018

Working Paper No.00041-00

We study the effects of introducing competition for CEOs, assuming that the talent of CEOs is not observable and... Read More

Published: Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2017, 64(1), 1-14

Competition for Talent under Performance Manipulation

Ivan Marinovic , Paul Povel   Jul 08,2018

Working Paper No.00041-00

We study the effects of introducing competition for CEOs, assuming that the talent of CEOs is not observable and... Read More

Published: Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2017, 64(1), 1-14

Competition for Talent under Performance Manipulation

Ivan Marinovic , Paul Povel   Jul 08,2018

Working Paper No.00041-00

We study the effects of introducing competition for CEOs, assuming that the talent of CEOs is not observable and... Read More

Published: Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2017, 64(1), 1-14

Information Spillovers in Asset Markets with Correlated Values

Brett Green , William Fuchs , Vladimir Asriyan   Jul 06,2018

Working Paper No.00033-00

We study information spillovers in a dynamic setting with correlated assets owned by privately informed sellers. In the model, a... Read More

Published: American Economic Review, 2017, (), -

Information Spillovers in Asset Markets with Correlated Values

Brett Green , William Fuchs , Vladimir Asriyan   Jul 06,2018

Working Paper No.00033-00

We study information spillovers in a dynamic setting with correlated assets owned by privately informed sellers. In the model, a... Read More

Published: American Economic Review, 2017, (), -