



The Insurance is the Lemon: Failing to Index Contracts

Benjamin Hebert , Barney Hartman-Glaser   Jan 08,2019

Working Paper No.00049-00

We model the widespread failure of contracts to share risk using available indices. A borrower and lender can share risk... Read More

The Insurance is the Lemon: Failing to Index Contracts

Benjamin Hebert , Barney Hartman-Glaser   Jan 08,2019

Working Paper No.00049-00

We model the widespread failure of contracts to share risk using available indices. A borrower and lender can share risk... Read More

Tragedy of Complexity

Martin Oehmke , Adam Zawadowski   Nov 18,2019

Working Paper No.00055-00

This paper presents an equilibrium theory of product complexity. Complex products generate higher potential value, but require more attention from... Read More

Demand Disagreement

Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen, Philipp Illeditsch   Dec 13,2019

Working Paper No.00058-00

We develop an overlapping generations model with disagreement about the cross-sectional distribution of investors’ preferences and beliefs. This disagreement implies... Read More

Demand Disagreement

Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen, Philipp Illeditsch   Dec 13,2019

Working Paper No.00058-00

We develop an overlapping generations model with disagreement about the cross-sectional distribution of investors’ preferences and beliefs. This disagreement implies... Read More

Demand Disagreement

Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen, Philipp Illeditsch   Dec 13,2019

Working Paper No.00058-00

We develop an overlapping generations model with disagreement about the cross-sectional distribution of investors’ preferences and beliefs. This disagreement implies... Read More

Pricing and Liquidity in Decentralized Asset Markets

Semih Uslu   Mar 27,2019

Working Paper No.00050-00

I develop a search-and-bargaining model of endogenous intermediation in over-the-counter markets. Unlike the existing work, my model allows for rich... Read More

Published: Econometrica, 2019, 87(6), 2079-2140

Pricing and Liquidity in Decentralized Asset Markets

Semih Uslu   Mar 27,2019

Working Paper No.00050-00

I develop a search-and-bargaining model of endogenous intermediation in over-the-counter markets. Unlike the existing work, my model allows for rich... Read More

Published: Econometrica, 2019, 87(6), 2079-2140

Pricing and Liquidity in Decentralized Asset Markets

Semih Uslu   Mar 27,2019

Working Paper No.00050-00

I develop a search-and-bargaining model of endogenous intermediation in over-the-counter markets. Unlike the existing work, my model allows for rich... Read More

Published: Econometrica, 2019, 87(6), 2079-2140

Collateral Booms and Information Depletion

Luc Laeven,Alberto Martin, Vladimir Asriyan   Nov 05,2019

Working Paper No.00054-00

We develop a new theory of information production during credit booms. Entrepreneurs need credit to undertake investment projects, some of... Read More

Published: Review of Economic Studies, 2021, (), -