



Aggregation and Design of Information in Markets with Adverse Selection

Brett Green , William Fuchs , Vladimir Asriyan   Nov 05,2019

Working Paper No.00032-01

How effectively does a decentralized marketplace aggregate information that is dispersed throughout the economy? We study this question in a... Read More

Published: Journal of Economic Theory, 2021, (), -

Aggregation and Design of Information in Markets with Adverse Selection

Brett Green , William Fuchs , Vladimir Asriyan   Nov 05,2019

Working Paper No.00032-01

How effectively does a decentralized marketplace aggregate information that is dispersed throughout the economy? We study this question in a... Read More

Published: Journal of Economic Theory, 2021, (), -

Liquidity Sentiments

Brett Green , Vladimir Asriyan William Fuchs   Mar 12,2019

Working Paper No.00034-03

We develop a rational theory of liquidity sentiments in which the market outcome in any given period depends on agents'... Read More

Published: American Economic Review, 2019, (), -

The Good, the Bad, and the Complex: Product Design with Imperfect Information

Dana Foarta, Vladimir Asriyan Victoria Vanasco   Nov 05,2019

Working Paper No.00053-00

We study the joint determination of product quality and complexity in a rational setting. We introduce a novel notion of... Read More

Published: AEJ-Micro, 2023, 15(2), 187-226

The Good, the Bad, and the Complex: Product Design with Imperfect Information

Dana Foarta, Vladimir Asriyan Victoria Vanasco   Nov 05,2019

Working Paper No.00053-00

We study the joint determination of product quality and complexity in a rational setting. We introduce a novel notion of... Read More

Published: AEJ-Micro, 2023, 15(2), 187-226

The Good, the Bad, and the Complex: Product Design with Imperfect Information

Dana Foarta, Vladimir Asriyan Victoria Vanasco   Nov 05,2019

Working Paper No.00053-00

We study the joint determination of product quality and complexity in a rational setting. We introduce a novel notion of... Read More

Published: AEJ-Micro, 2023, 15(2), 187-226

Learning in Crowded Markets

Peter Kondor , Adam Zawadowski   Mar 12,2018

Working Paper No.00031-00

We study a capital reallocation problem in which  investors can enter into a new market where they compete with each other... Read More

Learning in Crowded Markets

Peter Kondor , Adam Zawadowski   Mar 12,2018

Working Paper No.00031-00

We study a capital reallocation problem in which  investors can enter into a new market where they compete with each other... Read More

Learning in Crowded Markets

Peter Kondor , Adam Zawadowski   Mar 12,2018

Working Paper No.00031-00

We study a capital reallocation problem in which  investors can enter into a new market where they compete with each other... Read More

Optimal Contracting and the Organization of Knowledge

luis garicano,luis rayo, William Fuchs   Jul 30,2018

Working Paper No.00042-09

We study contractual arrangements that support an efficient use of time in a knowledge- intensive economy in which agents... Read More