



Production, Trade, and Cross-Border Data Flows

Qing Chang,Longtian Zhang,Liyong Wang, Lin William Cong (叢林)   Dec 30,2023

Working Paper No.00135-00

We build a tractable general equilibrium model to analyze the effects of cross-border data flows and pre-existing development gaps in... Read More

Market Integration, Risk-Taking, and Income Inequality

Ron Kaniel , Yizhou Xiao Lin William Cong (叢林)   Dec 30,2023

Working Paper No.00136-00

A pandemic or nationalism can dial back global integration as much as advancements in IT and transportation spur it. We... Read More

Equilibrium Staking Levels in a Proof-of-Stake Blockchain

Kose John,Thomas Rivera, Fahad Saleh   May 24,2022

Working Paper No.00076-00

We study the equilibrium level of staking in a Proof-of-Stake blockchain when investors have different trading horizons. We find that,... Read More

Intermediation via Credit Chains

Jian Li. , Zhiguo He   Jun 03,2022

Working Paper No.00078-00

The modern financial system features complicated financial intermediation chains, with each layer performing a certain degree of credit/maturity transformation. We... Read More

Algorithmic Pricing and Liquidity in Securities Markets

Thierry Foucault,Stefano Lovo, Jean-Edouard Colliard   Oct 27,2022

Working Paper No.00081-00

We let “Algorithmic Market-Makers” (AMMs), using Q-learning algorithms, choose prices for a risky asset when their clients are privately informed... Read More

Technological Progress and Rent Seeking

Guillermo Ordonez, Vincent Glode   Nov 01,2022

Working Paper No.00082-00

We model firms' allocation of resources between surplus-creating (a.k.a., productive) and surplus-appropriating (a.k.a., rent-seeking) activities. We show that industry-wide technological... Read More

A Model of Informed Intermediation in the Market for Going Public

Aydogan Alti, Jonathan Cohn   Nov 01,2022

Working Paper No.00083-00

We present a model in which informed experts intermediate in the market for going public by acquiring private firms and... Read More

Economic Implications of Scaling Blockchains

Kose John,Thomas Rivera, Fahad Saleh   Nov 01,2022

Working Paper No.00075-01

We compare the economic implications of scaling blockchains under the Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus protocols. We study an... Read More

Trust in Signals and the Origins of Disagreement

Alice Hsiaw, Ing-Haw Cheng   Nov 14,2022

Working Paper No.00047-01

Why do individuals interpret the same information differently? We propose that individuals follow Bayes' Rule when forming posteriors with one exception:... Read More

The Limits of Multi-Dealer Platforms

Chaojun Wang   Nov 14,2022

Working Paper No.00084-00

On many important multi-dealer platforms, customers mostly request quotes from very few dealers. I build a model of multi-dealer platforms... Read More